lundi 20 juin 2016

If you love what you do you`ll never work a day in your life.

     It never ceases to amaze me how much time people waste searching endlessly for magic shortcuts to entrepreneurial success and fulfillment when the only real path is staring them right in the face: real entrepreneurs who start real businesses that employ real people who provide real products and services to real customers.Yes, I know that’s hard. It's a lot of work. What can I say, that’s life. Besides, look on the bright side: You get to do what you want and you get to do it your way. There’s just one catch. You’ve got to start somewhere. Ideas and opportunities don’t just materialize out of thin air.

 So HI :)
my name is Stefanie I'm 29 years old and I`m the founder and CEO of Missfit Montreal, Missfit Quebec and Missfit Brossard (coming September 2016). The only way I know to get started is by learning a marketable skill and getting to work, just do it! from my experience, ideas, opportunities, partnerships and financial assets always seem to come along right after. Sure, it will take an enormous amount of hard work, but that just comes with success... and just to be clear here, success doesn't alway mean financial, it can mean hapiness!

Many people ask me how I got the idea of MISSFIT...

First, I got fired three times by a fitness center, I was very bad at school and I made several mistakes in my life... yes lol I dropped out of University and took the bull by it's horns; building my own business . I have nothing against education but in my opinion education gives people fake expectations. Graduates depend on their diploma rather than working hard for themselves and their dreams.

Failure should never stop you from following your vision. What truly matters is how you react to and learn from that failure.

- Arianna Huffington got rejected by 36 publishers

- Bill Gates watched his first company crumble.

- Walt Disney was told he lacked creativity and got rejected, just as I was told that i was not passionate enough about fitness and training by the head coach of the fitness centre who fired me.

So here's my story:  I`ve always been athletic; having played and coached basketball for 10 years. I went on to study Physical Education in University. When I stopped playing basketball in my first year of University, I was looking for something intense enough to challenge me but found that the women`s gyms that I looked into haven`t caught up to the new definition of a strong, beautiful, and dedicated woman

So in 2010 while I was studying, I started giving outdoor bootcamps three times a week but with a new, more challenging and rewarding concept. I found a name, `Missfit`, a slogan, `You`re Stonger Than You Think` made a blog and a Facebook page, and started building my community around that.

 In 2012, just two years later, Missfit became more than just fitness; it was more of a lifestyle. Women were lifting each other up, challenging, encouraging each other and becoming more confident with their new found strength. The community was growing so big that I had a vision of a new concept for a women`s gym.  
When I found a space I had to make a big decision and I asked my mom what I should do. I took a huge financial risk in signing the lease for 3 years and there was no going back. So I got to work.
At some point I had to choose between my business and finish my school then I remembered.. Once someone told me entrepeuneur dont have certification, THEY GOT BALLS. So I quit school; I went 100% all in to build my dream life and dream business.

Best descision of my life .  Now in 2016, the hard work was worth it; I manage 3 gyms, 10 employees, 600 memberships and I`m very grateful to say that when I wake up every morning, I get to do what I love to do.

So no matter your dream, or what people say, take the risks and go after your dreams. If you love what you do you`ll never work a day in your life.

I hope my story will inspire women to go for their dreams and if you need more information don`t hesitate to ask!

Stefanie Derome
Fondatrice Missfit